Friday, April 29, 2005

6b. Adam and the Ants, 'Dirk Wears White Sox'

This has got to be one of the most schizophrenic albums I've ever heard - and not in a good way, mind. From the wretched cock-rock of opener "Car Trouble" to the dirge-like "Never Trust A Man (With Egg On His Face)," this album is a trainwreck. The dronish, in-Bauhaus's-ballpark (if not league) "Tabletalk" is appealling, and "Digital Tenderness" is somewhat endearing in its odd '50s -isms. But for each of those there are two or three as awful as the S&M-themed disaster "Whip In My Valise," which features the awful chorus "Who taughtcha to torture" ("taughtcha/torture," get it? Ugh). This debut album sounds like just that. Adam would do so much more in the years to come, but this is a complete failure - and I want to hear you defend this one, Gaz. C-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, as a fellow oldtimer, you probably remember the days before mp3 downloads and CD listening stations; there was no "try before you buy." But there was the outstanding Kings Of The Wild Frontier on my turntable, and there was Vintage Vinyl in Evanston, from where much of the source wax for these tapes came. I'm pretty sure Dirk was part of a VV binge that included some PiL (almost Metal Box but it was too pricey) and The Cramps' Bad Music For Bad People, which attracted me with the cover art. I also recollect that at 16, I thought "Cartrouble" kicked ass, but you're right that the whole record pales in comparison to Kings (which should be somewhere in that rack).

By the way, if you think this one was bad, wait until you get to the even lesser Vive Le Rock (except for the killer title track). There would be no more Adam Ant records in the rack after that one.

1:43 PM  

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